How much money are Super Bowl halftime show performers paid

How much money are Super Bowl halftime show performers paid

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Let's dance. The Super Bowl is the biggest sporting event on the American calendar. And sandwiched right in the middle of it is perhaps the biggest concert of the year, one that promises to captivate the nation's senses for a brief 30- Colin Miller Jersey minute period. LIVE: We're, of course, talking about the Super Bowl halftime show. Some of the biggest names in music history have taken the stage during the big game, from Michael Jackson to Beyonce. It's a showcase that almost always pays off. Just not in the way you think. MORE: So, do Super Bowl halftime show performers get paid? And if so, how much are they walking away with? The Sporting News fills you in on just how much dough artists bring home after strutting their stuff under the bright lights. The simple answer isnothing. Super Bowl performers do not receive a single cent for their exploits. That's not to say the NFL leaves these musicians up a creek without a paddle. The league covers the costs for the theatrics. That means the plume of smoke you see Rihanna enveloped in as she comes on the stage? The NFL is writing that check. The sturdy stage frame awash with glimmering strobe lights? That too is handled by the league's accountants. Often times, the Hollywood-level cinematography needed to put down a Grade A performance can run the NFL millions of dollars. Oscar Lindberg Men Jersey Now, not paying laborers for their work is objectively not cool. But there is a real knock-on benefit to performing in the Super Bowl, one that can make the "free" production worth while. You see, Super Bowl halftime performers generally experience a sudden bump in their streaming numbers after their show. MORE HALFTIME: | It's more flood than puddle, at least strictly speaking. Fans flock to Super Bowl performer's catalogue like moths to a flame. The figures are eye-popping: Maroon 5's sales sky-rocketed 434 percent on the day of their halftime show back in 2019, per . Justin Timberlake experienced a similar uptick, upping his album sales after his 2018 showcase. Lady Gaga was to have seen her numbers surge by 1,000 percent after rocking the house at Super Bowl 51 in 2017. All of this is to say, showing out at the Super Bowl can help introduce (or reintroduce) artists to a more widespread audience. The fact that over 100 million people are slated to tune into the festivities certainly doesn't hurt, either. So, when RiRi takes the stage at Super Bowl 57, just know she'll be making quite the bag from it, one way David Perron Women Jersey or another.
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